Fourth round in 2023:
The BigTopLabel awards were presented for the fourth time in December 2023, at the European Parliament building in Brussels. Once again, the event was hosted by Sándor Zsíros, the local correspondent for Euronews, with MEP István Ujhelyi delivering the opening speech. The initiator of the BTL program announced, among other things, that he will not run for re-election as a Member of the European Parliament in the coming year. However, this does not signify the cessation of the BigTopLabel project. On the contrary, he mentioned that they plan to expand the scope of examined circuses, starting with winter circuses.
During the event, three outstanding circus companies were awarded: Louisa and Kerry Raluy representing Circo Raluy Legacy from Spain, Edit Richter as one of the leaders of the Hungarian Richter Flórián Circus, and the first and only British BTL circus led by Martin Burton, Zippos.
The main patron of the award ceremony was Iliana Ivanova, the European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education, and Youth. However, due to health reasons, she couldn’t personally attend the ceremony, so her chief of staff greeted the awardees and attendees on her behalf.
Markus Schulte delivered the following speech at the parliamentary event:
“Dear Mr Ujhelyi, Honourable Members of the European Parliament, Dear friends, Let me first of all give you the warmest regards from my Commissioner, Commissioner Iliana Ivanova. She cannot be here today and she asked to address you on her behalf.
It is a pleasure to be with you today on the occasion of this fourth BigTopLabel Awards Ceremony. Commissioner Iliana Ivanova has asked me to be here with you on her behalf. The BigTopLabel is a great example of European cooperation. Where there is excellence, we should share it. When someone does it better, we shine a light on their craft, we work together and learn. This is why we are here today. To shine a spotlight on what deserves to be highlighted. So, let me take this opportunity to congratulate the laureates of this fourth edition, Circo Raluy Legacy, Richter Flórián Cirkusz and Zippos Circus.
Each of you elevates your art at a new level. You are setting an example, you are keeping our rich European circus traditions alive, and you bring joy to millions of people across Europe and the world. For centuries, the circus has been a force in connecting people across language and cultures. This art contributed to developing ties and fostering exchanges, creating and circulating our common European cultural heritage. And it did so leaving nobody behind. After all, inclusion has long been a fundamental principle for the circus. This event tonight recognises this work, the ingenuity of your answers to today’s challenges. Circuses have real impact in European people’ lives. Your organisations deserve our gratitude and our continued support. For this we have the European Theatre Initiative under Creative Europe.
First, the initiative put together a comprehensive study on working conditions. Especially after the pandemic, we needed to listen to performers, to know what the sector needed. Second, it set up regular European Theatre Fora, sparking an important dialogue with policy-makers. Third, it provided dedicated support through Perform Europe.
These grants were created thinking especially of small organisations – in dance, theatre, or the circus. They empower innovative practitioners, performers, and artists to find solutions to the challenges of the sector, from tackling the environmental transition to showing us all the importance of social commitment. On this matter, I am delighted to announce that on Friday, we will open the Perform Europe 2023 open calls. We are putting forward 2.1 million euro to support at least 35 partnerships.
I can only encourage each of you to seize this opportunity. Just as I encourage you to continue to find opportunities in the programme’s other actions. From cooperation and network calls to Culture Moves Europe, our mobility scheme, these opportunities are there for you. We do not need to look very far to see the results of these opportunities. Look for example at the excellent work of Circostrada, a Creative Europe network of contemporary circus and outdoor arts professionals. These networks provide invaluable support, solutions, and can sometimes even be invaluable in helping small organisations with funding, through the cascading grant system.
The opportunities are there. The creativity and entrepreneurship is also there. These are key ingredients for success. I look forward to continuing our fruitful dialogue with the Circus art sectors, and to hear news about your work. Congratulations again to the laureates.
Thank you.”