Starting points
- Circus artists and companies need to face present challenges and social expectations.
- Circus must get back and maintain its credibility.
- Quality discrepancies must be screened in order to distinguish between good, average and substandard circus companies.
- Circus stands for values and principles which must be clearly demonstrated by a transparent, operational and credible business approach. It is precisely such transparency that can enhance the credibility of circuses, together with a basis for a reliable policy and corporate image.
- The BTL-project is open for all type of circuses – therefore it could build a common platform for the divided circus industry.
Main and fundamental goals of the Big Top Label
- To recognize and accept differences between high quality- and poorer quality circuses
- To warrant that the circus concerned complies with all legal and social requirements, while providing the audience with a high-value artistic experience.
- To develop a strong partnership with the tourism sector and to set up effective promotion for the assessed and recognized circuses.
- To put circus quality assurance on an official European level.
- To build a common platform for all types of circuses and artists to cooperate, learn from each other and ensure the quality of their art.
- Registration at Chamber of Commerce or similar (e.g. tax number)
- Permanent address and/or winter quarters
- Free from known cases of breaking contracts, unpaid wages, etc.
- License according to national laws
- Permanent winter quarter with adequate stables
If applicable:
Total prerequisites (any “no” = no quality evaluation)
Quality of the Framework
- Exterior impression (vehicles, box office, entrance, fences etc)
- Condition and comfort of seating (individual chairs, benches etc.)
- Availability and condition of sanitary facilities for audience/personal
- Outfit, attitude and friendliness of box office, ushers and riggers
- Value for money (vs. average price per ticket, adults and children)
- Advertising, information & public relations (incl. online ticketing etc.)
- Condition of transportation vehicles, stables and paddocks
8) Open doors policy with access to stables and public training
If applicable:
Quality of the Show
- Overall impression of the show (appreciation by the audience)
- Acrobatic acts (e.g. festival winners, special tricks etc.)
- Clowning and/or comedy
4) Set design, design of costumes and props - Light and sound system and effects
- Music
- Animal friendly and entertaining presentation
- Healthy and well maintained appearance
If applicable:
(1– very poor; 2 – poor; 3 – acceptable; 4 – appropriate; 5 – exemplary)