On the 18th. of October, 2016 a historical conference was held in the European Parliament. The voice of circus people has never been heard before with respect this unique art deserves. István Ujhelyi, Hungarian member of the European Parliament – who was the initiator and also the host of the event – wanted to bring closer the European decision-makers and representatives of the traditional and the new generation of circus art to find out together: how we can preserve traditional circus values, how we can assist in the development of new artistic ways and strengthen the cultural cooperation between the circuses and their associated institutions.

“I shall propose the establishment of a quality assurance and accreditation certificate that would rate ensembles on their traditional, cultural, and artistic value, with special attention on how they meet animal wellbeing standards. Let us call this certificate the “Big Top Label”, the Michelin star of circus arts, an independent quality assurance system guaranteeing quality circus art and no maltreatment of animals. I will send an official proposal concerning this issue to the International Organization for Standardization, but I am happy to initiate it individually as well, guided by your professional cooperation of course.”

– told by MEP Ujhelyi in 2106. Summary of the conference: HERE.

MEP Ujhelyi announced the so called “Circus Manifesto” in Monte Carlo, on the 22nd of January, 2017. This guideline for European institutions and circus stakeholders was signed by many circus artists, stakeholders, decision-makers and circus fans Read more about the manifesto: HERE

Workshop in the European Parliament

There was a successful workshop on the 31st. of May, 2017, in the European Parliament, about the framework for the Big Top Label with the participation of circus experts and stakeholders.

During 2017, the office of MEP Ujhelyi have had negotiations with the European Commission (DG EAC) about the cooperation and European labeling. It’s a huge result, that the BTL-project became an acknowledged part of the official programmes of the ‘European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018’ (EYCH2018), which means that the European Commission recognized the issue of quality circus art on a high European level.

After many consultations and exchanges of view the final framework of BTL has been announced in Monte Carlo 2018 by the head of Mr. Ujhelyi’s cabinet, Tamás Lajos Szalay. As the person who is responsible for the BigTopLabel-project, Mr. Szalay finalized the rating system with the support and agreements of circus art stakeholders. The Ujhelyi office asked several circus art professionals to join the BTL-Committee and evaulate the reports about the applied circuses.

The first inspections were held between June and August of 2018, done by head of cabinet Mr. Szalay at Cirque Arlette Gruss, Blackpool Tower Circus and Circus Krone. The results were announced on the 28th. of November, in the European Parliament, Brussels in the presence of Commissioner Tibor Navracsics.

During the ceremony, MEP Ujhelyi said that awarding the first BigTopLabels is a worthy finale for 2018 – the very year that marks the 250th anniversary of modern circus. „We must be able to defend our cultural values and artistic traditions while simultaneously fulfilling all the strict contemporary requirements – for instance concerning animal welfare measures. The BigTopLabel system seeks to point out and highlight the good examples which exhibit outstanding quality both from a cultural and humane sentiment” – noted Mr Ujhelyi.

Commissioner Tibor Navracsics said the followings:

“Ladies and Gentlemen,
Thank you very much for the invitation to speak at this Award Ceremony for the BigTopLabel, this new quality assurance scheme for the Circus sector in Europe.It is a pleasure to celebrate this premiere with you.

Given the highly demanding selection process, I would like to congratulate the three laureates of this first edition, representing each a circus that is meeting the highest quality standards in every regard. You set an example for others. You stand for the long circus tradition in Europe. You ensure it relevance for the future. 

Let me also congratulate Mr. István Ujhelyi, Member of the European Parliament, for his determination to create this “Michelin star of circus arts”, to use his words. I remember very well the conference in the European Parliament in 2016 when he first launched the idea to create this independent quality assurance scheme. Circus art is a very good illustration of the dual nature of culture and cultural activities – on the one hand the intrinsic and artistic value of culture and, on the other hand, the economic value, including their broader contribution to creativity, innovation and social inclusion.

I think that the BigTopLabel covers those aspects very well. You know that the circus art is dear to my heart. It is a vivid part of Europe’s cultural heritage with its centuries-long history, in all its forms, from the traditional small family-run companies to the fascinating contemporary circus shows. Therefore, I am also delighted that this important and worthwhile event is taking place during the European Year of Cultural Heritage that we have been celebrating in 2018 very successfully across the continent. To celebrate our shared cultural heritage – both tangible and intangible – we need to reach people, especially young people, in their communities: small villages, towns, cities and capitals all over Europe. Circus and street arts are very successful in this.

This year we have been raising awareness of the many cultural influences that make up our heritage, underlining the link between the past and the future. Again, circus is a good example of combining traditions with innovation, technology and new ways of expression, appealing to the young and to the elders alike. A bridge between centuries and generations.

For all these reasons, this Award ceremony has received the label of the European Year of Cultural Heritage.

As a legacy to the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 and in line with your Circus Manifesto, a first overarching study on circus has been launched by the Commission with the objective to gather socio-economic data and to analyse the current situation of Circus in Europe. The results will be available at the beginning of June next year. EU Member States shall benefit from the findings of the study as they will help to enhance cooperation on circus arts, to facilitate research among organisations, academia and artistic companies and to promote intercultural dialogue through circus activities. As there can be no strong policy without proper funding, the European Commission has presented an ambitious proposal for the next Creative Europe – the EU’s funding programme for the cultural and creative sectors. We hope that the European Parliament will support us on that during the legislative negotiations.

The current Creative Europe programme has funded since 2014 a great number of projects in the field of circus arts and street arts worth more than EUR 4 million. On top of that, we have launched a first pilot project to promote the individual mobility of artists and cultural professionals this year. Circus artists will be welcome to participate in this new project, which we intend to conduct during the next three years. Investing in culture is vital for the future of Europe. It brings people from very different backgrounds together, enables them to unite in diversity by recognising shared historical and cultural experience. Through this, I hope people come to realise that there is more that unites us than divides us.”

Martin Lacey Jr., representing Circus Krone said the followings at the event:

“Thank you! Firstly my wife Jana Lacey-Krone and myself would like to say a big thank you to Mr. Istvan Ujhelyi MEP for creating the BigTopLabel-project.

Thank you to your team and thank you to Mr. Tamás Lajos Szalay for your very thorough checks of Circus Krone. For us and Circus Krone this is a very important and also an emotional day!

As now the European Parliament has began to recognize, learn and understand that the circus is a very credible industry, that has existed for over 250 years. Circus Krone itself 114 years. And we celebrate our Circus Krone bau this year 100 years. But most importantly, BigTopLabel establishes there is a difference! A difference between circuses! There are some circuses that create a dark cloud over the beautiful circus world. For far, far long through lack of experience or otherwise, some circuses have had no respect for the way a professional business is run, but also no interest to respect and protect the roots of the circus establishment. However the BigTopLabel protects the professional circus.

Circus is truly the only art form in entertainment for the whole family. Twice the number of people who ride, sale, fish or play golf visit German circuses, therefore we are not talking about hundreds of thousands but millions of families and people that visit circuses in Germany. Therefore not only the circus need the protection of the BigTopLabel but also the general public. Visiting families will have the reassurance that the circus has been properly and vigorously inspected by all authorities.

The BigTopLabel will help direct the circus business in a more seious and professional mannor towards the ever changing moden world. For example when one mentions the name circus! It’s often made as a joke. How many times do you hear in politics: ’it’s run like a circus’!? The very basis of the is respect, respect for our animals, respect for our customers, respect for ourselves. So we think the world we live in today can take an example of circus.
We respect one another’s religion, culture and race, the circus has so many different people working together to form a team based on respect. We rely on each other to produce an amazing and successful performance that families have witnessed each day every day for the last 250 years! The show must go on. It’s famous saying but a very true saying in our business.

We believe the BigTopLabel will bring out the best in each professional circus and authenticity in its business. As for my wife and I, we have undertaken the huge task of running the biggest circus in the world. And we feel relatively young for such a task. Personally and emotionally. The BigTopLabel gives us a feeling of protection. The hard work needed to run a business with our family of employees is recognized by the BTL’s governing bodies. That enables us to give the power that is needed tor un a successful, live circus production.

BigTopLabel has given us confidence for our circus and the future of the circus world. BTL, thank you for believing in this project, thank you for bringing us to Brussels. We will support this project by running our business to the highest possible standards. As we say, the show must go on. BigTopLabel most go on! Thank you!”